SPIRIT Builders



SPIRIT Builders is a group of Christian homeschooling families in the North Fort Worth/Saginaw/Azle area who work together to provide a fun, relaxed environment for our kids to learn and make friends. We meet most Wednesdays, about 12 per semester, at Eagle Mountain Baptist Church for co-op and/or area parks for play when the weather is nice!

What to Expect

We begin our morning with children's worship songs, a devotional, and prayer. Our classes are divided by age, and there are always at least two parents in each class. Due to the variety of curriculums used by families, class subjects focus on general elective subjects like art, science, and physical education. At various times, we have included drama, chess, Lego engineering, Spanish, and geography. As a volunteer Co-op, the variety of subjects offered depends on the ability and interests of the parents involved.


Filling a Role

At SPIRIT Builders, each parent is required to help for the duration of the school day every day his/her child attends the co-op. This is not a "drop off" activity. Everyone's participation is necessary for our co-op to be successful and function smoothly. Positions are discussed and assigned prior to each semester, and we work very hard to rotate teacher responsibilities and share the work.



SPIRIT Builders exists to provide a nurturing atmosphere that encourages respect, creativity, and enjoyment of learning. We are working to build:

-Strength -Positivity -Imagination -Respect -Integrity and -Teamwork

...in our children.


Statement of Faith

We are, in general, a group of Christian homeschooling parents who base our faith directly on the Bible. We lovingly accept that not everyone agrees with our religious beliefs. However, we WILL teach in accordance with these beliefs:

 · That God is the Sovereign Creator of the universe and our Heavenly Father who cares personally for mankind.

 · That Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God, who died for our sins, rose from the grave, ascended into heaven, and will someday return in judgment.

 · That the Bible is God's inspired Word and is the divinely authoritative standard by which Christians live.

 · That man, because of his personal sin, needs to be made whole and restored to fellowship with God through Jesus Christ.

 · That any person can become a Christian as was done in the Bible, namely by trusting in Jesus as Savior and Lord and validating that faith through personal repentance, public profession, and baptism.

 · That the Holy Spirit dwells within each Christian as a comforter, counselor, and encourager, and gives gifts for abundant living and assurance for eternal life.

While we may discuss other religions as appropriate in our curriculum, our classes are taught from the Christian worldview. We welcome members of any background who are willing to teach/assist in accordance with this policy.


Current Fees

We charge a supply fee of $15 per child for co-op class supplies. Children under 3 are free. Also required is a $15 per adult, $10 per child charge for church building use. Children under 3 are free for this as well.


2023 Handbook


Contact for Inquiries

For more information about SPIRIT Builders Co-Op, please e-mail info@embcmail.com and we will forward your inquiry to the Co-Op Board.

*SPIRIT Builders is not a ministry of Eagle Mountain Baptist Church* 

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