Child's First Name
Child's Last Name
Goes by
Shirt Size
Birthday (mm/dd/yyyy)
Special Instructions
Mother's Name
Father's Name
Primary Phone
Secondary Phone
State Zip Code
Emergency Contact
Emergency Contact Phone
People Allowed to Pick Up Child
Visiting With
Home Church
How did you learn about Arts Camp?
Every child age 7-12 will get to attend 2 art courses.
Please select your top 4 choices in the order of your child's preference, as we can not guarantee a specific spot due to limited space and potential difficulties in scheduling.
If you have already registered a 7-12 year old child and are registering a younger sibling ages 5-6, you may register them in Club56 by selecting Club56 in the Choice #1 box. You do not need to make any other choices for children ages 5-6.
Choice # 1
Choice # 2
Choice # 3
Choice # 4
If you plan to join us for dinner from 5:50-6:20, please let us know how many members of your family to expect:
By submitting this form, you agree to release Eagle Mountain Baptist Church, its volunteers, officers, directors, and employees from any liability in case of injury to your child during Eagle Mountain Arts Camp during the dates of June 16-June 20, 2024.